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How to Select a CentriVap


Sample prep equipment resources

Whether your samples are large or small, heat sensitive or not heat sensitive, contain acids or solvents, we have the right product for your needs. These articles provide considerations and guidance for equipment selection.

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How to select a CentriVap

Although in many cases more than one concentrator model or accessory would be sufficient for the job, several important factors about your samples will dictate the most appropriate model for your application.

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5 Questions to ask when selecting a concentrator

We often are asked many questions regarding Labconco CentriVap® Concentrators. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions.

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CentriVap Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrators and Cold Traps Catalog

Provides features, benefits, accessories, and ordering information on CentriVap micro IR, Benchtop, Refrigerated, Acid-Resistant, Cold Traps, Proteomic Systems, DNA, Mobile Systems, and Complete Systems.

RapidVap Dry Evaporators Catalog

Provides at-a-glance decision tree, features and benefits, specifications, and evaporation rates of the RapidVap Vertex, RapidVap Vacuum, RapidVap N2 and RapidVap N2/48 Evaporation Systems. Accessories are also described.

Italian-Language CentriVap Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrators and Cold Traps Catalog

Concentratori con vuoto a centrifuga e trappole a freddo CentriVapThis Italian-language brochure contains a selection guide, features, benefits, specifications and ordering information on CentriVap micro IR Concentrators, Benchtop Concentrators, Refrigerated Concentrators, Acid-Resistant Concentrators, Cold Traps Concentrators, Proteomic Concentrator Systems, DNA Concentrators, Mobile Concentrator Systems, and Complete Concentrators. Ordering information on accessories is also included.

En Español

Spanish-Language CentriVap Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrators and Cold Traps Catalog

Concentradores al vacío centrífugos y trampas frías CentriVap

This Spanish-language catalog contains a selection guide, features, benefits, specifications and ordering information on CentriVap micro IR, Benchtop, Refrigerated, Acid-Resistant, Cold Traps, Proteomic Systems, DNA, Mobile Systems, and Complete Systems. Ordering information on accessories is also included.

Spanish-Language RapidVap Dry Evaporators Catalog

Evaporadores secos RapidVapThis Spanish-language catalog contains a selection guide, features, benefits, specifications and ordering information on RapidVap Vertex, Vacuum, N2, and N2/48 Evaporators. Ordering information on accessories is also included.

Safety Data Sheets

Sodasorb SDS

Safety Data Sheet for absorbent used in Acid Trap Insert (7814800) in Chemical Traps for CentriVap Vacuum Concentrators and Soda Acid Trap Cartridge (7772000) used in vacuum pumps.