Provides an overview, features and benefits, specifications, ordering information and dimensional data on Protector Filtered Glove Boxes, Protector Controlled Atmosphere Glove Boxes, Protector Combination Glove Boxes and AtmosPure Re-Gen Gas Purifiers. Accessories and Base Stands are also described.
For Precise HEPA-Filtered Glove Boxes 5220200, 5220220, 5220221, 5220230, 5220231.
For Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Boxes and Precise Basic Glove Boxes Controlled Atmosphere Models 5220100, 5220120, 5220121, 5220130, 5220131 Basic Models 5220000, 5220020, 5220021, 5220030, 5220031
In order to view 3D CAD Drawings, download and install the Google Sketchup Viewer from The application will prompt you through the installation process.
Lab Manager, September 2007 article describes why the Precise Glove Box makes sense for laboratories with a tight budget.
Safety Data Sheet for Activated Carbon Filters used in Paramount Ductless Enclosures, Protector and Precise Glove Boxes, and Trap Inserts for CentriVap Concentrators, RapidVap Evaporation Systems, and Protector and Precise Glove Boxes.