Featuring washdown systems, integral work surfaces and drainage troughs, these benchtop PVC-lined hoods are designed specifically for procedures involving perchloric acid.
Protector PVC Perchloric Acid Laboratory Hoods feature washdown systems, integral work surfaces and drainage troughs so that they may be thoroughly rinsed after each use to prevent the accumulation of potentially reactive perchloric salts. Their liners of Type 1 unplasticized polyvinyl chloride are designed to withstand reaction from perchloric acid.
Let Scout lead you to the right laboratory hood or sample prep equipment for your application.
Featuring washdown systems, integral work surfaces and drainage troughs, these benchtop PVC-lined hoods are designed specifically for procedures involving perchloric acid.
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Results
This video shows how to install a Labconco Protector Fume Hood. This video features a Protector XStream Fume Hood, and most installations are similar.
This brochure contains ordering information, specifications and dimensional data for Protector Stainless Steel Radioisotope, Stainless Steel Perchloric Acid and PVC Perchloric & Acid Digestion Laboratory Hoods.
For Perchloric Acid Models 14041, 14051, 14061, 14081 Series
Acid Digestion Models 14141, 14151, 14161, 14181 Series
For Protector XStream, Premier, XL Benchtop, XL Floor-Mounted, Stainless Steel Radioisotope, Stainless Steel Perchloric Acid, PVC Perchloric Acid and PVC Acid Digestion Laboratory Hoods for 115 volt, 60 Hz operation. Part number is 9826500, Rev. -.
For Protector XStream, Premier, XL Benchtop, XL Floor-Mounted, Stainless Steel Radioisotope, Stainless Steel Perchloric Acid, PVC Perchloric Acid and PVC Acid Digestion Laboratory Hoods for 230 volt, 50/60 Hz operation. Part number is 9834200, Rev. -.
For Protector XStream, Premier, XL Benchtop, XL Floor-Mounted, Stainless Steel Radioisotope, Stainless Steel Perchloric Acid, PVC Perchloric Acid and PVC Acid Digestion Laboratory Hoods for 115 volt, 60 Hz operation. Part number is 9827300, Rev. -.
For Protector XStream, Premier, XL Benchtop, XL Floor-Mounted, Stainless Steel Radioisotope, Stainless Steel Perchloric Acid, PVC Perchloric Acid and PVC Acid Digestion Laboratory Hoods for 230 volt, 50/60 Hz operation. Part number is 9834300, Rev. -.
This paper describes fume system design components, safe practices and decontamination procedures related to perchloric acid use.
For validation of predetermined Protector Series Laboratory Fume Hood specifications. Provides a checklist of installation and operation qualifications to complete when beginning operation on new or used Protector Series Laboratory Fume Hoods.
For 14041 Series, 14051 Series, 14061 Series, and 14081 Series Protector PVC Perchloric Acid Hoods and 14141 Series, 14151 Series, 14161 Series, and 14181 Series Protector PVC Acid Digestion Hoods