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Human Factors Design gaining notice in science community

On October 1, 2014
Posted in Articles

A white paper about Human Factors Design that was published earlier this year is beginning to create a buzz in the scientific community. Now republished through the Bioresearch Online Newsletter, the white paper entitled "Maximizing User Safety through Human Factors Design" by Labconco Product Manager Brian Garrett, is informing scientists in the field that the old buzz about ergonomics is being replaced by the more in-depth concept of Human Factors Design.

The Purifier Logic+ Biological Safety Cabinet is the platform for the many advances discussed:

Maximizing User Safety Through Human Factors Design

By Brian Garrett, Product Manager, Labconco Corporation

"Unlike most industries and professions, the very nature of laboratory science is hazardous. Technicians and researchers are required to handle, and are in close proximity to, substances, agents, and materials that are inherently risky. . . ."

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