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XPert Nano Enclosure - more than just for nano applications

By Odette Nolan, Product Specialist, Labconco Corporation
On May 25, 2010
Posted in Articles

Labconco's XPert Nano Enclosure, by its name, can invoke preconceived notions of the capabilities of the product. Don't let the name fool you. The XPert Nano Enclosure has applications that go beyond the realm of protection from nanomaterials. Specific features of the XPert Nano lend themselves to a variety of uses.

The XPert Nano Enclosure is designed to provide user protection by capturing nano-sized particulates. It functions as a Class I enclosure does: room air enters the front of the enclosure and passes through a filter prior to exhausting back to the room. By their nature, nano particles are small and prone to static charge.

Three features address these nano characteristics: ULPA filter, stainless steel liner and ioner.

The ULPA filter is capable of capturing and containing very small particulates, 0.12 µm or larger, at 99.999% efficiency. Don't overlook the "or larger" part of that statement. A HEPA filter, found in many ventilated enclosures including many Labconco offers, can capture particulates 0.3 µm or larger with 99.99% efficiency.

By simple comparison, an ULPA filter captures particulates at approximately half the size a HEPA can at an even greater efficiency. While the concept of filtration remains the same between the two types, the difference lies in the media. The ULPA filter contains a higher concentration of borosilicate fibers and a slightly altered borosilicate fiber than a HEPA filter.

Therefore, the ULPA filter not only has all the same capabilities and applications as a HEPA, it surpasses it.

Besides nanomaterial manipulation, the XPert Nano Enclosure provides protection for operations involving larger particulates such as powder transfer and weighing. The XPert Nano Enclosure has a stainless steel liner. Stainless steel was chosen for its inherent ability to dissipate static charge.

Nanoparticles are less likely to cling to its surface making it easy to clean. To further reduce the potential for static charge, the XPert Nano Enclosure may be outfitted with an ionizer that neutralizes static charge on its interior surfaces by emitting ions in the airstream.

Since static charge is not exclusive to nano-sized particulates, the XPert Nano Enclosure has uses wherever static reduction is beneficial. One example is powder weighing in pharmaceutical research applications.

Most analytical balances are constructed of some sort of plastic upon which static charges can collect. These charges can affect balance performance as well as the ability of the user to weigh out product. Powders, in general, are known to be statically prone, especially those stored in plastic containers or bags.

Again, the stainless steel interior of the XPert Nano Enclosure will not collect charge or add to the initial static potential of a given powder.

The Nano's exclusive ionizer introduces ions at its face as air enters the interior. The availability of these ions is key to static dissipation for any charge that may be lingering on the balance, source container or weighing vessel.

The XPert Nano Enclosures' unique features — ULPA filter, stainless steel liner and ionizer — expand its applications. Don't let its name fool you. Think about how it can work for your application.