Image: State Public Health Laboratory in Exton, Pennsylvania Tests for COVID-19
Dear Public,
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve rapidly, and we embrace a dual responsibility to both protect our employees and to keep researchers safe and working efficiently in their pursuit of scientific discovery. We are closely monitoring local, state, federal government agencies and will continue follow their guidelines and restrictions.
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Our products, in particular Class II Biosafety Cabinets are critical for the work underway on COVID-19. We have experienced an increase in demand and making extra efforts to respond in kind. We are surveying our supply chain, and as of today and for the near term, are operating normally with no disruption of critical components or raw materials.
Considering the importance of the situation, there is still no higher priority than the health and safety of our workforce at Labconco. In response, we are taking the following measures:
Limiting non-essential business travel until further notice
Limiting non-essential visitors/suppliers to our office or plants until further notice.
Abstaining from participation trade shows and community events
Regularly disinfecting all community areas, conference rooms, bathrooms, etc.
Providing ample disinfectant supplies to all employees
Practicing good hygiene by encouraging frequent hand washing, covering coughing, etc.
Maintaining a minimum of 6 feet separation in common areas such as meeting rooms, work areas, etc.
Requiring employees who show signs or symptoms of illness, including those with ill family members, to go home
We are committed to our mission of equipping researchers with the highest quality laboratory equipment in order to overcome the COVID-19 emergency while keeping our employees safe. Our objective has never been more important than to be your partner, supplier and supporter. We take our role very seriously and are proud to serve the scientific community for 95 years.
Please contact us if you have any questions.