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Freeze Dryers

FreeZone Freeze Dryers are designed to handle the lyophilization needs of research and pilot plant laboratories. Our laboratory freeze dryers offer these key features

  • Large, intuitive touchscreen display for easy operation
  • Lyo-WorksOS for on-board control and display of process parameters including collector temperature and vacuum level, recipe programming, data collection and storage, and more.
  • End-Zone alert system to indicate when samples have reached dryness
  • Benchtop and mobile console models available
  • Ice collection capacities ranging from 2.5 to 18 liters
  • -50°C, -84°C, and -105°C temperature options for a wide range of sample types
  • PTFE-coated collectors available for corrosion resistance

Labconco is the industry leading manufacturer of freeze dryers, freeze drying supplies and equipment. Freeze dryers designed to deliver consistent, high-quality results to make even the most challenging samples easy. Request a quote from our freeze dryer experts today. Reliable. Efficient. FreeZone.


Benchtop Freeze Dryers
Console Freeze Dryers
Triad Freeze Dryers
Stoppering Tray Dryer Systems
Dry Ice Benchtop Freeze Dryers
Drying Accessories

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