Results of a LinkedIn study suggested that improving the comfort levels of laboratory professionals leads to greater safety in the lab, in Part I of this series of articles. The conversation included anecdotal evidence in further support of this concept. However, there was some interesting commentary spinning off into comfort’s effect on productivity.
As laboratory managers and business owners try to squeeze every last bit of ROI out of each project, productivity is gaining high levels of visibility. There are many factors that play into efficiency; is employee comfort being given its due? Victor V. (Milwaukee, WI) was succinct in his commentary; “Being as comfortable as possible within safe limits leads to improved performance. Discomfort may lead to distraction…”
And though not directly associated with productivity, morale goes a long way toward a company’s goals. “…If [employees] are thinking about their discomfort all the time, it could result in serious injuries or incidents that could have been avoided,” says Louzette H. (South Africa). She continues, “Happy people deliver good quality of work. And if they see you care about the little things, they will care too.”
Interestingly, Ana R. (New York) suggests that safety, productivity and comfort all go hand in hand; “I consider that working in a safe place is the best way to avoid accidents, wasted time, and [to] be very productive in your work…” This begs the question: who, or what, influences the level of (dis)comfort felt by laboratory professionals?
Lab comfort: Is it a cultural thing? (Part 3 of 4)
By Brian Garrett, LEED Green Associate, Product Manager
“Being comfortable also means that there is a higher probability of maintaining a higher level of focus and attention to the tasks at hand, thereby increasing productivity, clarity of thought, and safety.” So says Thomas S. (Denver, CO). It's a wonderful notion that summarizes both Parts I and II of this four-part series. To immediately address...
Survey says: Comfort improves safety (Part 1 of 4)
By Brian Garrett, LEED Green Associate, Product Manager
Between May and June 2013, fifty-three (53) laboratory managers and professionals were polled on LinkedIn to gauge the importance of the correlation between comfort and safety. Of those respondents, 49 (92%) indicated that comfort does increase laboratory safety. Beyond the scope of the study, a conversation developed...