These energy-efficient benchtop hoods have containment-enhancing features that allow them to operate at face velocities as low as 60 fpm.
The Protector XStream Laboratory Hood takes containment, safety and energy savings to the extreme. This general chemical, high performance fume hood was independently tested and challenged well beyond the SEFA-1 standards. With a face velocity of 40 fpm and sash fully open, the Protector XStream was subjected to 50 fpm cross drafts, NIH protocol, and tracer gas measurements in the chest of the mannequin. In all scenarios, the Protector XStream allowed 0.00 ppm average level of tracer gas outside the fume hood. Although your safety officer will determine the actual face velocity setting for your laboratory, the ability of this hood to contain under these adverse conditions sets a new standard of safety.
Safety is foremost, but energy savings is equally impressive. Although face velocity is a factor, it’s the volumetric rate (CFM) that determines the energy consumption. Operating a 6' Protector XStream at 60 fpm face velocity, with the sash in its fully open position, requires only 690 CFM. Regardless of your desired operating face velocity, the Protector XStream yields the lowest required CFM of any hood.
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These energy-efficient benchtop hoods have containment-enhancing features that allow them to operate at face velocities as low as 60 fpm.
Showing 1 - 24 of 35 Results
Labconco Protector Fume Hoods include the XStream, the most energy-efficient ducted fume hood design, as well as other high performance ducted fume hoods in our Premier and XL lines. This video demonstrates the airflow and safety features of all our Protector Fume Hood models.
This video shows how to install a Labconco Protector Fume Hood. This video features a Protector XStream Fume Hood, and most installations are similar.
This video explains the key features of the Protector XStream Chemical Fume Hood from Labconco, yielding the greatest possible laboratory safety and lowest operating cost.
See airflow demonstrations using smoke to show some of the innovative and highly effective features that make the Protector XStream® the most effective containing fume hood. Watch the airfoil sill, upper dilution air supply, sash handle and sash track direct air into the fume hood's baffles without causing dangerous, containment disrupting turbulence.
Being an ASHRAE 110 testing mannequin is a dirty job, but some dummy's got to do it. Manny is just the guy for the job. Check out this video to get an idea of how we test our fume hoods to ensure they provide proper protection.
This brochure contains descriptions, dimensional data and ordering information on Protector XStream, Premier and XL Laboratory Fume Hoods and SpillStopper Work Surfaces. Optional features including the Intelli-Sense Automatic Sash Position System, Chain and Sprocket, and Auto-Return Sash Systems are described. Standards related to hoods are also provided.
Brochure describes Labconco's corporate green initiatives and Labconco products that contribute to energy savings, sustainability and innovated design.
This French-language brochure contains descriptions, dimensional data and ordering information on Protector XStream, Premier and XL Laboratory Fume Hoods and SpillStopper Work Surfaces. Optional features including the Intelli-Sense Automatic Sash Position System, Chain and Sprocket, and Auto-Return Sash Systems are described. Standards related to hoods are also provided. En français.
For Protector XStream and Protector XStream I-S Laboratory Fume Hoods 11041, 11051, 11061 and 11081 Series.
Instruction for the use of the Intelli-Sash Automoatic Sash Position system available on Protector Fume Hoods.
For catalog numbers (discontinued): 9840400, 9840401, 9840402, 9840403, 9840500, 9840501, 9840502, 9840503, 9840600, 9840601, 9840602, 9840603, 9840800, 9840801, 9840802, 9840803
Este folleto cubre las especificaciones, la información sobre pedidos y las dimensiones de las campanas Protector de piso.
This 8-page white paper describes the development of the Labconco Protector XStream High Performance Laboratory Fume Hood.
This AccuTec Services, Inc. report shows that the Protector XStream Hood was tested beyond the SEFA-1† standards. With a face velocity of 40 fpm and sash completely open, the Protector XStream was subjected to 50 fpm cross drafts, NIH† protocol, and tracer gas measurements in the chest of a mannequin. In each scenario, the Protector XStream allowed 0.00 ppm average level of tracer gas outside the fume hood.
This specification covers Protector XStream Laboratory Hoods manufactured September, 2012 and after.
For validation of predetermined Protector Series Laboratory Fume Hood specifications. Provides a checklist of installation and operation qualifications to complete when beginning operation on new or used Protector Series Laboratory Fume Hoods.
For 11041 Series, 11051 Series, 11061 Series, and 11081 Series Protector XStream Laboratory Fume Hoods