These polyethylene-lined ventilated glove boxes feature inlet/outlet HEPA filters to protect the operator from hazardous materials.
Precise HEPA-Filtered Glove Boxes have inlet and outlet HEPA filters and provide a leak-tight physical barrier to protect the operator from hazardous airborne particulates and powders. These boxes have uses in pharmaceutical research, nanotechnology and biochemistry. Microorganisms, low-level radiochemicals, chemical carcinogens and asbestos may also be used in these boxes.
These boxes may be used for cleanroom applications requiring ISO Class 3 (ISO 14644-1) conditions. Labconco HEPA Filtered Glove Boxes may be appropriate for use as containment isolators for applications involving compounds assigned OEB 4 and OEB 5 Banding Levels. Contact your Health and Safety Officer for specific Engineered Containment Device requirements.
These polyethylene-lined ventilated glove boxes feature inlet/outlet HEPA filters to protect the operator from hazardous materials.
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This instructional video shows how to connect gas and vacuum to a Labconco Glove Box with Auto Pressure Controller. Contact Labconco with additional questions not addressed in this video.
Contains specifications, dimensional drawings and ordering information on Labconco's line of Precise Glove Boxes and XPert Weigh Boxes.
Report details the test procedure and results of measuring the ability of Precise HEPA-Filtered Glove boxes to contain powders, using naproxen sodium as the surrogate for the study.
Results of performance tests conducted on Precise HEPA-Filtered Glove Box and XPert Weigh Box
For catalog numbers: 5220200, 5220220, 5220221, 5220230, 5220231
Outlines the standard operation procedure for using the Bag-in/Bag-out system to replace HEPA filters on Precise HEPA-Filtered Glove Boxes or XPert Weigh Boxes.
For Precise HEPA-Filtered Glove Boxes 5220200, 5220220, 5220221, 5220230, 5220231.
In order to view 3D CAD Drawings, download and install the Google Sketchup Viewer from The application will prompt you through the installation process.
For validation of predetermined Precise HEPA Filtered Glove Box and Precise XPert Weigh Glove Box. Provides a checklist of installation and operation qualifications to complete when beginning operation on new or used Precise HEPA Filtered Glove Box and Precise XPert Weigh Glove Box.
Declaration of Conformity for applicable models of the Precise Glove Box